Strategies for Minimizing Forest Disturbance During the Construction of Power Transmission Towers

송전선로 건설에 따른 산림훼손의 최소화 관리방안

  • 이동근 (상명대학교 환경원예조경학부) ;
  • 강현경 (일본농업환경기술연구소)
  • Published : 2003.02.01


The purpose of this study was to minimize the forest disturbance around an entry road of a power transmission tower construction site between Taean and Sinsesan, Chungnam. The main study field was classified into existing materials and a GIS, remote sensing analysis, and a field examination. This information was used to identify the most suitable entry road using a degree of green naturality map, eco-naturality map, actual vegetation map, and a forest state map as the existing materials. Also, the study used an normalized difference vegetation index, altitude and slope map in order to make the evaluation materials which used an remote sensing image, and GIS. This data was used to choose an optimum area, and diagnosed the current condition of the vegetation with a field survey of the area. It analyzed vegetation structure, species diversity, the age of trees in a field examination. Subsequently, we proposed four area types based on the analysis results--preservation area, transplantation area, restoration area and development area. As a result, the preservation area was categorized into 8 grades, according to the degree of green naturality, large area of breast diameter at Pinus densiflora community, competition area of Pinus densiflora and Quercus spp. and Quercus spp. community of over 20 years old. A transplantation area established 46 optimum areas according to the GIS analysis and vegetation investigation results. Vegetation restoration plan for disturbance area should be made based on ecological value of existing vegetation to worthwhile area as Quercus spp. mixing forest proposed. The development area selected a ecological worthless place as an artificial forest where Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii growth is poor. This research results suggest that restoration of vegetation will be possible in the real world. Also, ecological restoration guidelines will be made through building and analyzing data base and routine monitoring of transplantation and restoration area.



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