산지유역 지하수 개발을 위한 TOPMODEL의 이용

  • Published : 2003.01.01




  1. 국제 수문개발 계획(IHP)연구보고서 건설교통부
  2. 수자원장기종합계획보고서 건설교통부;한국수자원공사
  3. GIS개론 김계현
  4. 탄천수계 하천 유지용수 확보방안 연구 성남시
  5. 강우예보의 시공간 특성을 고려한 홍수예보모형의 개발 한국건설기술연구원
  6. 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Recovery of hydrocarbons;A perspective through HYPON Acharya, R.C.;Leijnse, A.
  7. Computer models of watershed hydrology The SHE/SHESED basin scale water flow and sediment transport modelling system Bathurst, J.C.;Wicks, J.M.;O'Conell P.E.;V.P. Singh(ed,)
  8. Sci. Bull. v.24 no.1 A physically based variable contributing area model of basin hydrology Hydrol. Beven, K. J.;Kirkby, M. J.
  9. J. of Hydrol. v.65 Catchment geomorphology and the dynamics of runoff contributing areas Beven, K. J.;Wood, E. F.
  10. TOPMODEL;A Critique, Hydrological Processes v.11 Beven, K. J.
  11. 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Using stochastic simulation and cost model to designing monitoring networks for groundwater pollution Bierkens, M.F.P.
  12. Environmental Modelling & Software v.17 AVTOP;a full integration of TOPMODEL into GIS Huang, B.;Jiang B.
  13. Computer models of watershed hydrology The institute of hydrology distributed model Calver A.;Wood, W. L.;V. P. Singh(ed.)
  14. Proc. Amer. Water Resour. Assoc. Symp. on Geographic Information Systems in Water Resources Effects of the topographic index distribution on the predicted runoff using GRASS Chairat, S.;Delleur. J. W.
  15. HydroGIS 93;Application of Geographical Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources no.211 Integrating a physically based hydrological model with GRASS Chairat, S.;Delleur, J. W.;K. Kovar(Ed.);H. P. Nachtnebel(Ed.)
  16. Water Resour. Bull. v.29 no.6 Effects of the topographic index distribution on predicted runoff using GRASS Chairat, S.;Delleur, J. W.
  17. 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Flow and transport in highly heterogeneous formations;Conceptual uncertainty and solution for multi-indicator permeability structure Dagan, G.
  18. J. Hydrology v.175 Physical interpretation and sesitivity analysis of the TOPMODEL Franchini, M.;Wendling, J.;Obled, C.;Todini, E.
  19. I. Hydrology v.166 The introduction of macroscale hydrological complexity into land surface-atmosphere tranfer function models and the effect on planetary boudary layer development Quinn, P. F.;Beven, K. J.;Culf, A.
  20. Hydrol. Process v.9 The In(a/tanb) index;how to calculate it and how to use it in the TOPMODEL framework Quinn, P. F.;Beven, K. J.;Lamb, R.
  21. Solute Modelling in Catchment Systems Linking mixing techniques to a hydrological framework-an upland application Robson, A. J.;Neal, C.;Beven, K. J.;S. Trudgill(Ed.)
  22. J. Hydrol. v.145 An application of a physically based semi-distributed model to the Balquhidder catchments Robson, A. J.;Whitehead, P. G.;Johnson, R. C.
  23. 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Two-way coupling of 1-D unsaturater-saturated flow model SWAP with 3D saturated regional groundwater flow model LGM;time-average coupling approach Stoppelenburg, F. J.;Kovar, K.;Pastoors, M.J.H.;Tiktak, A.;Leijnse. A.
  24. HydroGIS 93;Application of Geographic Information Systems in Hydrology and Water Resources no.211 Hydrological modelling within GIS;an integrated approach Stuart, N.;Stocks, C.
  25. 4th International Conference on Calibration and Reliability in Groundwater Modelling Using a Bayesian estimation algorithm for estimating parameter uncertainty and optimisation of monitoring networks Valstar, J.;Minnema, B.