직접 적응기법을 이용한 모델추종 재형상 비행제어시스템 설계

Model Following Reconfigurable Flight Control System Design Using Direct Adaptive Scheme

  • 김기석 (서울대학교 항공우주학과) ;
  • 이금진 (서울대학교 항공우주학과) ;
  • 김유단 (서울대학교 항공우주학과)
  • 발행 : 2003.02.01


A new reconfigurable model following flight control method based on direct adaptive scheme is presented. Using the timescale separation principle, both the inner-loop and the outer-loop states are controlled simultaneously. For the timescale separation assumption to be satisfied, the inner-loop model dynamics is set to be fast whereas the outer-loop model dynamics is set to be relatively slow. The stability and convergence of the proposed control law is proved by Lyapunov theorem. One of the merits of the proposed reconfigurable controller is that the FDI process and the persistent input excitation are not necessary, which is suitable for the flight control system. To evaluate the reconfiguration performance of the proposed control method, numerical simulation is performed using six degree-of-freedom nonlinear dynamics.



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