3차원 Co-occurrence 특징을 이용한 지형분류

Terrain Classification Using Three-Dimensional Co-occurrence Features

  • 발행 : 2003.01.01


Texture analysis has been efficiently utilized in the area of terrain classification. In this application features have been obtained in the 2D image domain. This paper suggests 3D co-occurrence texture features by extending the concept of co-occurrence to 3D world. The suggested 3D features are described using co-occurrence histogram of digital elevations at two contiguous position as co-occurrence matrix. The practical construction of co-occurrence matrix limits the number of levels of digital elevation. If the digital elevation is quantized into the number of levels over the whole DEM(Digital Elevation Map), the distinctive features can not be obtained. To resolve the quantization problem, we employ local quantization technique which preserves the variation of elevations. Experiments has been carried out to verify the proposed 3D co-occurrence features, and the addition of the suggested features significantly improves the classification accuracy.



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