환기조절 및 약제적기살포에 의한 비닐하우스재배 오이에 발생하는 노균병 방제

Control of downey mildew occurred on cucumber cultivated under plastic film house condition by optimal application of chemical and installation of ventilation fan

  • 김용기 (농업과학기술원 작물보호부 식물병리과) ;
  • 류재당 (농업과학기술원 작물보호부 식물병리과) ;
  • 류재기 (농촌진흥청 연구관리국 연구운영과) ;
  • 이상엽 (농업과학기술원 작물보호부 식물병리과) ;
  • 심홍식 (농업과학기술원 작물보호부 식물병리과)
  • Kim, Yong-Ki (Plant Pathology Division, Department of Crop Protection, NIAST, RDA) ;
  • Ryu, Jae-Dang (Plant Pathology Division, Department of Crop Protection, NIAST, RDA) ;
  • Ryu, Jae-Gee (Research Coordination Div, Research Management Bureau, RDA) ;
  • Lee, Sang-Yeob (Plant Pathology Division, Department of Crop Protection, NIAST, RDA) ;
  • Shim, Hong-Sik (Plant Pathology Division, Department of Crop Protection, NIAST, RDA)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


경기도 수원의 농업과학기술원 시험포장내 비닐하우스에서 오이에 발생하는 병을 조사한 결과 잘록병, 노균병, 흰가루병, 덩굴쪼김병이 발생하였으며, 그 중 오이 노균병이 가장 심하게 발생하였고 피해도 매우 큰 것으로 나타났다. 오이 노균병을 효과적으로 방제하기 위하여 환기팬 설치 효과 및 방제적기 구명을 위한 연구를 수행하였다. 오이노균병 방제를 위하여 비닐하우스의 전면과 후면에 2개의 환기팬을 설치한 다음 하우스 내의 공중습도와 노균병 발생을 조사한 결과, 환기팬무설치하우스에 비해 공중습도가 6.4% 가량 낮아졌으며 노균병 발생을 현저히 억제하는 것으로 나타났다. 환기팬을 설치한 실험구는 환기팬을 설치하지 않고 약제를 3회 처리한 것과 대등한 효과를 보였다. 한편 노균병의 방제적기를 구명하기 위하여 발병 3 일전, 발병직후 및 발병 2일 후부터 각각 3회 디메쏘모르프 염기성염화동수화제를 7일 간격으로 3회 처리한 결과, 발병 3일전부터 예방위주로 약제를 처리하였을 때에는 72.9%의 방제효과를 나타냈으나, 발병직후부터 처리하였을 때에는 61.8%, 발병 2일 후부터 처리하였을 때에는 23.7%의 방제효과를 보여 노균병을 효과적으로 방제하기 위하여는 예방위주의 방제가 필요한 것으로 판단되었다.

Survey on plant diseases occurring on cucumber cultivated in plastic film house of experimental farm in Suwon was conducted. Through the survey, occurrence of damping-off, downey mildew, powdery mildew and Fusarium wilt was observed. Especially downey mildew caused by Pseudoperonospora cubensis was the most severe foliar disease of cucumber. To control the disease effectively, effects of installation of ventilation fan and optimal spray timing of a chemical, dimethomorph+copper oxychloride WP, were investigated. Two ventilation fans installed at the front and at the back of plastic film house reduced air relative humidity by about 6.4% and downey mildew incidence by 55.7%. Downey mildew incidence on cucumber from untreated chemicals plot in plastic film house installed with ventilation fan was on a equal level with that from treated chemicals plot with three times application of dimethomorph+copper oxychloride WP in plastic film house without ventilation fan. Meanwhile in order to select optimal chemical application time, dimethomorth+copper oxychloride WP was treated three times at 7 days-interval from three days before the disease occurred, right after the disease occurred, and two days after the disease occurred, respectively. The result showed that dimethomorth+copper oxychloride WP applied to cucumber leaves and stems from three days prior to, right after, two days after occurrence of downey mildew reduced downey mildew incidence by 72.9, 61.8, and 23.7%, respectively. The above results showed that regulation of environmental factors like air relative humidity and preventive application of chemicals should be considered to establish control strategy to downey mildew.



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