소프트웨어 산업에서 중소기업 지원정책 연구

A Study on Supporting Policies for Small/Medium Business in Software Industry

  • 발행 : 2003.05.31


Relentless competition and price cutting race make small/medium software business very difficult to maintain their business. Especially small software businesses are often at a disadvantage when they try to win government contracts, Due to the characteristics and importance of software industry, there is no doubt that government support for mall/medium software business is indispensible. In fact, the development of the US software industry has been strongly influenced by government policy during postware period. This paper attempts to examine the general small/medium business supporting policies currently implemented. In addition, policies in the construction industry and the US federal government are explored, in order to find appropriate roles the government should play.



  1. 김희수, 김재홍, '소프트웨어 산업의 시장구조와 기업전략', 정보통신정책연구원, 1997
  2. 이동주, '국내 컴퓨터관련 서비스의 현황과 특성에 관한 고찰', 한국소프트웨어진흥원, 2002
  3. 중소기업청, '2002년도 중소기업제품 구매계획', 2002
  4. 한국소프트웨어 산업협회, '2002년 2002년도 S/W산업 연차보고서', 2002
  5. 한국IDC, 'Korea Software Market Overview, 2001-2006,' 2002
  6. Small Business Act 8(d)(1), Public Law 85-536, as amended, 2001
  7. Armed Services Procurement Act, Federal Property and Administrative Services Act, Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act, Small Business Act
  8. Small Business Act 15(e), Public Law 85-536, as amended, 2001