Influence of Milk Yield, Parity, Stage of Lactation and Body Weight on Urea and Protein Concentration in Milk of Murrah Buffaloes

  • Roy, B. (Dairy Cattle Breeding Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Mehla, R.K. (Dairy Cattle Breeding Division, National Dairy Research Institute) ;
  • Sirohi, S.K. (Dairy Cattle Nutrition Division National Dairy Research Institute)
  • 투고 : 2003.01.25
  • 심사 : 2003.04.28
  • 발행 : 2003.09.01


The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of test day milk yield, test day evening milk yield, parity, stage of lactation and body weight on milk urea and milk protein concentration. A total of 319 milk samples was collected from buffaloes over four month's period and subjected to urea and protein analysis. Milk urea concentration (mg/dl) was significantly (p<0.01) increased with increasing test day milk yield. The lowest value ($57.03{\pm}1.13$) was observed in the milk yield group ${\leq}4.5kg/day$ and the highest value ($64.15{\pm}1.13$) in the group 7.7-10.7 kg/day. However, test day evening milk yield had no significant effect on milk urea concentration. Milk protein did not vary significantly with the test day milk yield as well as test day evening milk yield. A clear decreasing trend of milk urea concentration (mg/dl) was found with the increasing parity. The highest MU concentration ($64.03{\pm}1.14$) was found in the first parity and the lowest ($55.67{\pm}1.22$) was found in the sixth and above parity. Whereas, stage of lactation had no effect on milk urea concentration. Moreover, parity and stage of lactation did not have any significant effect on milk protein concentration. Body weight (kg) was also found negatively (p<0.05) related with urea content (mg/dl) in milk. The highest mean MU concentration ($64.34{\pm}0.88$) was found when body weight was between 532 and 598 kg and lower mean values ($59.24{\pm}0.94$ and $59.33{\pm}1.23$) were observed in 599 to 665 kg and ${\geq}666kg$ group. Body weight also had significant (p<0.05) effect on milk protein content. The highest milk protein content (%) was found in ${\geq}666kg$ group and the lowest in <531 kg group. In conclusion, for proper interpretation of milk urea values to monitor protein nutrition status of the buffaloes parity, milk yield and body weight should be considered.



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