2지역/지정위치 저장시스템의 분석과 최적화

Analysis and Optimization of a 2-Class-based Dedicated Storage System

  • 양문희 (단국대학교 공학부(산업공학))
  • Yang, Moonhee (Department of Industrial Engineering, Dankook University)
  • 발행 : 2003.09.30


In this paper, we address a layout design problem, PTN[2], for determining an appropriate 2-class-based dedicated storage layout in a class of unit load storage systems. Our strong conjecture is that PTNI2] is NP-hard. Restricting PTN[2], we provide three solvable cases of PTN[2] in which an optimal solution to the solvable cases is one of the partitions based on the PAI(product activity index)-nonincreasing ordering. However, we show with a counterexample that a solution based on the PAI-non increasing ordering does not always give an optimal solution to PTN[2]. Utilizing the derived properties, we construct an effective heuristic algorithm for solving PTN[2] based on a PAI-non increasing ordering with performance ratio bound. Our algorithm with O($n^2$) is effective in the sense that it guarantees a better class-based storage layout than a randomized storage layout in terms of the expected single command travel time.



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