사용자에 의한 Ecal 특성 변화 -새로운 Ecal 기능으로 사용자의 특정 요구에 맞게 커스텀화 구현!

  • Published : 2003.08.01




  1. 41st ARFTG Conference Digest no.Spring A Novel Procedure For Network Analyzer Calibration and Veri-fication V.Adamian
  2. 43rd ARFTH Digest no.Spring Electronic Calibration of a Vector Network Analyzer for Non-insertable Devices V.Adamian
  3. Microwave Journal v.37 no.9;94;98;100;102;105 Microwave Electronec Calibration : Transferring Standards Lab Accuracy to the Production Floor K.Wong;R.S.Grewal