노인물리치료를 위한 저항트레이닝 처방에 대한 탐색

An Exploration on Prescription of Resistance Training for Geriatric Physical Therapy

  • 신홍철 (원광보건대학 물리치료과) ;
  • 정동혁 (동신대학교 운동처방학과)
  • Shin Hong-Cheul (Department of Physical Therapy, Wonkwang Health Science College) ;
  • Jeong Dong-Hyuk (Department of Exercise Prescription, DongShin University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


There can be little dissension that the ultimate goal of all physical therapy interventions with the elderly is to restore or maintain the highest level of function possible for the individual. Whenever physical therapists take on this challenge, they assist elders in maintaining their identities as competent adults. Advancing age is associated with profound changes in body composition, including increased fat mass, decreased fat-free mass(particularly muscle), decreased total body water and decreased bone density. Along with these changes in body compositions, and perhaps as a direct result of them, elderly people have lower energy needs, reduced strength and functional capacity and a greatly increased risk for such diseases as noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and osteoporosis. Resistance training is considered a promising intervention for reversing the loss of muscle function and the deterioration of muscle structure that is associated with advanced age. This reversal is thought to result in improvements in functional abilities and health status in the elderly by increasing muscle mass, strength and power and by increasing bone mineral density. In the past couple of decades, many studies have examined the effects of Resistance training on risk factors for age-related diseases or disabilities. We have explored the positive and negative aspects of older adults' participation in resistance training programs. The benefits to older adults are reported to be increased strength, endurance, muscle capacity, and flexibility; more energy; and improved self-image and confidence. The negative aspects include some pain or stiffness and other nonspecific problems. The positive and negative aspects of resistance training are therefore very similar to those in younger populations. Scientific investigations over the past 10 years have demonstrated that resistance training can be safely and successfully implemented in older populations. Even the frail and very sick elderly can benefit and improve their quality of life. Proper design and progression of a resistance training program for older adults is vital to optimal benefits from resistance exercise. The results of data provided by this research on resistance training for health shows that there is enough existing evidence to conclude that resistance training, particularly when incorporated into a comprehensive fitness program, can offer substantial health benefits which can be obtained by persons of all ages. These benefits, including improvements in functional capacity, translate into an improved quality of life.
