On/off Switch Mediated by Exo+ Polymerases: Experimental Analysis for Its Physiological and Technological Implications

  • 투고 : 2003.04.03
  • 심사 : 2003.06.11
  • 발행 : 2003.11.30


The potential physiological role and technological application of the premature termination of DNA polymerization through the off-switch of exo+ polymerases were studied using 3' phosphorothioate-modified or unmodified primers with single base mismatch distal to the 3' terminus. With exonuclease-digestible unmodified primers, a gradient premature termination of DNA polymerization was observed when amplified with exo+ polymerases. With 3' allele specific phosphorothioate-modified primers, an efficient off-switch effect occurred in the discrimination of a single nucleotide polymorphism when directly using genomic DNA. Clearly, the off-switch of exo+ polymerases is useful in biomedical research.



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