초등학생의 스트레스와 스트레스 증상간의 관계

The Relationship Between Stress and Stress Symptoms among Elementary School Students

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


The purpose of this study is primarily intended to examine the stress and physical, emotional and behavioral stress symptoms of elementary school students supply the basic data of intervention for children's health promotion. The subjects of this study were 616 students who were currently enrolled in 5th and 6th grade elementary school in Jeollabukdo ; 3 schools in J city and other 6 in 3 rural area. The data were collected by self-reported questionnaire from 3rd to 13th April 2002 and collected data were analyzed by SPSS WIN 8.0. The results of this study were as followings. 1. The mean score of stress that children experience was 2.73 and the most stressful factor was a friendship stress. The most frequently experienced stress were feel that a friends would leave them alone. 2. The mean score of stress symptom that children experience was 1.92 and the most stressful symptom was the emotion symptom. The most frequently experienced stressful symptom were feel fatigue of everyday. 3. General characteristics related to stress were showed significantly different according to sex(t=-3.243, p=.001) 4. General characteristics related to stress symptoms were showed significantly different according to sex(t=-2.268, p=.024), family circumstances(F=8.697, p=.000), academic scores(F=11.216, p=.000) and parental concerns on a child(t=-2.561, p=.011). 5. The relation between stress and stress symptoms showed a positive correlation, which was significant statistically(r=.453, p=.000). In conclusion, elementary school students experience various stresses and the stress symptoms have positive close connection with health problems. Therefore, to study the students stress and consequent symptoms further, it is recommended that we should subdivide and analyze the stressor and stress symptoms by proper areas. In the meantime, in order to promote children's health using the data in this study, we should develop the correlated program among individual, family, school and community while we are deeply concerned about and support children continuously.



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