The shoulder is the most flexible joint in human body, so many people suffer from the shoulder pain. In order to improve medical care about shoulder muscle disease, Myofascial Pain Syndrome(M.P.S) is compared with the oriental medical theory. The findings of this study are as follows; 1. Myofascial Pain Syndrome(M.P.S) is the sensory, motor, and autonomic symptoms caused by myofascial trigger points. For the objectivity of the oriental medical theory, practical application is necessary. 2. The meridian and meridian-muscle of the shoulder is su-sam-yang(手三陽), su-sam-um(手三陰). Meridian-muscle theory is similar to anatomical muscle and myofascia. 3. There is similarity in the trigger point and Ashi(阿是)-point, taut band and palpable tender-point(硬結), referred pain and Hangki(行氣). In this study, myofacial pain syndrome is similar to the oriental medical theory. If myofacial pain syndrome is applicated in treatment, the cure of shoulder pain and objectivity of the oriental medical theory is improved.