Objectives : The pain was induced on upper and lower incisor of the rat based on the theory of 'connections of upper incisor pain with stomach meridian and lower incisor pain with large intestine meridian'. Such acupoints as LI4 and ST36 were used for alleviation of upper and lower incisor pain. Methods : The digastric myogram (dEMG) was utilized for the pain measurement. Results : The ST36 acupuncture after induction of upper incisor pain was gradually decreased or increased the dEMG. The LI4 acupuncture after induction of upper incisor pain was gradually decreased the dEMG. The ST36+LI4 acupuncture after induction of upper incisor pain was gradually decreased the dEMG. We knew this thing which the ST36+LI4 acupuncture decreased the dEMG most greatly and kept long compared to ST36 acupuncture, LI4 acupuncture. Conclusions : Acupuncture treatment at the loci of not only ST36 acupuncture but LI4 acupuncture were relieved the upper incisor pain. It was well suitable to the theory 'connections of upper incisor pain with stomach meridian' that ST36 acupuncture decreased the upper incisor pain. But there was not to decrease the dEMG for the ST36 acupuncture. We are considered as tracing study continuously about ST36 acupuncture. It was not suitable to the theory 'connections of upper incisor pain with stomach meridian' that LI4 acupuncture decreased the upper incisor pain. These results was considered as the function by the characteristic of the LI4 acupoint.