"한국 한의과대학과 중국 중의약대학의 방제학(方劑學) 관련 교재중 "방제학(方劑學) 총론(總論)"의 구성내용 분석"

Analysis of Introduction to Science of Prescriptions in Teaching Materials Related with Science of Prescriptions at Colleges of Korean Oriental Medicine and Colleges of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  • Kim Do-Hoy (Goryeo Korean Oriental Medicine Hospital) ;
  • Shin Soon-Shik (Department of Prescriptionology, College of Oriental Medicine, Dong Eui University)
  • 발행 : 2003.06.20


Science of prescriptions is an important part in the education of Korean Oriental Medicine. In spite of that, there is less agreement on measures for improving the education quality of science of prescriptions. Science of prescriptions can be classified into generalities and particulars. This study sought to present contents that must be incorporated into Introduction to Science of Prescriptions to enhance the quality of education by examining both teaching materials being used in colleges of traditional Chinese medicine and those of Korean oriental medicine and the Introduction part of books related with science of prescriptions. And when this study was carried out, training Korean oriental medicine practitioners and researchers and educators of science of prescriptions was taken into account. It is judged that Introduction to Science of Prescriptions needs to be divided into seven chapters and that each chapter requires containing opinions of ancient doctors and references to lay the basis of learning and revised and practical contents in addition to traditional ones. Chapter One Introduction (Conception, History, Disciplinery, Study, How to Learn, Range of Study, How to Study, Academic Activities) Chapter Two Prescriptions and Selection of Treatment Based on the Differential Diagnosis Chapter Three Prescriptions and Therapeutic Methods (Eight Therapeutic Methods, Sixty Four Therapeutic Methods etc.) Chapter Four Classification of Prescriptions Chapter Five Designing and Modification of Prescriptions (Compatibility, Designing, Modification) Chapter Six Preparation Forms of the Prescriptions (Origin, Charicteristics) Chapter Seven Methods of Decocting and Taking Korean Oriental Herbal Medicines Appendix Tables of Apothecaries' Measures and Weights in Current and Ancient Times



  1. 東醫方劑學 尹吉榮(著)
  2. 方劑學 康舜洙;盧昇鉉;李尙仁(共編著)
  3. 東醫臨狀方劑學 尹吉榮(著)
  4. 바른 方劑學 康舜洙(著)
  5. 方劑學 한의과대학 교수(編著)
  6. 臨床方劑學講座 -傷寒雜雜病方을 중심으로 四象方, 後世方을 분석한 三分法 方劑學 講座 盧永範(지음)
  7. 東醫方劑와 處方解說 尹用甲(著)
  8. 韓醫科大學 學習目標(基礎醫學篇)
  9. 方劑學學習指導(普通高等敎育中醫藥類規劃敎材學習指導叢書) 段富津(主編);李飛;尙熾昌(副主編)
  10. 方劑學 許濟群;王綿之(主編)
  11. 方劑學(高等中醫藥類規劃敎材敎與學參考叢書) 段富津(主編)
  12. 方劑學(高等醫藥院校敎材)(供中醫, 中藥, 鍼灸專業用) 許濟群(主編);王綿之(副主編)
  13. 方劑學(現代中醫臨床備要叢書) 劉公望(主編)
  14. 方劑學(上冊)(中醫藥學高級叢書) 李飛(主編)
  15. 方劑學(21世紀課程敎材) 謝嗚(主編)