In Vivo Tumor Cell Distribution of Antibody-Endostatin Fusion Protein for Tumor-Specific Targeting and Pharmacokinetics

암세포 표적지향화를 위한 항체-엔도스타틴 융합단백질의 체내동태 및 종양으로의 이행성

  • 강영숙 (숙명여자대학교 약학대학) ;
  • 이나영 (숙명여자대학교 약학대학)
  • Published : 2003.12.20


A novel antitumor agent, antibody-endostatin fusion protein $(anti-HER2/neu\;IgG3C_H3-Endostatin,\;AEFP)$ formed by genetic engineering procedure from antibody (Ab) which specifically targets to tumor cells ad angiogenesis inhibitor, endostatin (Endo) that has excellent antitumor effect, minimizes the toxicity of normal cells and selectively kills only tumor cells. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the phamacokinetic parameters and to analyze the localization of AEFP. After an intravenous injection of $150\;{\mu}l\;(5\;{\mu}Ci)\;[^{125}I]Ab,\;[^{125}I]AEFP$ to mice, blood was collected though retroorbital plexus from 15 min to 2880 min. Following the jugular vein injetion of $150\;{\mu}l\;(10\;{\mu}Ci)\;[^{125}I]Endo$, blood was collected by the use of carotid artery cannulation from 0.25 min to 30 min. Consequently, Endo was very rapidly removed from plasma compartment within 30 min. On the other hand, AEFP similar to Ab was slowly cleared from plasma. Also, Endo was metabolized about 40% within 30 min. However, AEFP was shown to metabolize less than 10% within 2880 min. The organ distribution of Endo was in order kidney, lung, spleen. Both Ab and AEFP were localized in order spleen, kidney, liver. Futhermore the tumor/blood distribution ratio of AEFP at 96 hours after injection is about 20 times higher than it of Endo at one hour after injection. In conclusion, these studies demonstrate that the anti-cancer or suppression of angiogenesis effect of Endo may be improved by the use of AEFP because the longer half life and stability of AEFP is able to selectively target antigens expressed on tumors.



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