Discrimination of Species Specific DNA Markers Using RAPD and AFLP Analysis between Atractylodes japonica Koidz. and Atractylodes macrocephala Koidz.

  • Bang, Kyong-Hwan (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Park, Chun-Geon (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Jin, Dong-Chun (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Kim, Hong-Sig (Department of Plant Resources, Chungbuk National University) ;
  • Park, Hee-Woon (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Park, Chung-Heon (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA) ;
  • Seong, Nak-Sul (Division of Industrial Crop, National Crop Experiment Station, RDA)
  • 발행 : 2003.11.30


To identify the variation of the RAPD patterns between two Atractylodes species, 52 kinds of random primers were applied to each eight of A japonica and A. macrocephala genomic DNA. Ten primers of 52 primers could be used to discriminate between the species and 18 polymorphisms among 67 scored DNA fragments (18 fragments are specific for A. japonica and A. macrocephala) were generated using these primers, 26.9% of which were polymorphic. RAPD data from the 10 primers was used for cluster analysis. The cluster analysis of RAPD markers showed that the two groups are genetically distinct. On the other hand, to identify the variation of the AFLP patterns and select the species specific AFLP markers, eight combinations of EcoRI/MseI primers were applied to the bulked A. japonica and A. macrocephala genomic DNA. Consequently, three combinations of EcoRI/MseI primers (EcoRI /Mse I ; AAC/CTA, AAC/CAA, AAG/CTA) used in this study revealed 176 reliable AFLP markers, 42.0% of which were polymorphic. 74 polymorphisms out of 176 scored DNA fragments were enough to clearly discriminate between two Atractylodes species.



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