물리적 변성 쌀전분과 호화 쌀전분의 생리적 효과 비교연구: 성장 능력과 장기의 생리적 기능

Comparative Growth Performance and Physiological Function of Physically Modified Rice Starch and Gelatinized Rice Starch in Growing Rats

  • 발행 : 2003.12.30


Male rats were fed a purified diet containing one of 3 experimental diets, gelatinized rice starch that was not modified physically (RC), gelatinized physically modified rice starch using ultrasonic homogenizer(RU), gelatinized physically modified rice starch using hydroshear homogenizer(RH) during 28 days. RC was used as the rice starch control. Feeding a physically modified rice starch (RU) caused an increase in liver weight and RH increased RNA and protein contents in kidney significantly although there were no differences in food intakes compared to feeding a RC diet. The wet weight of liver, kidney and heart were higher in RU. The wet weights of fecal output of the rats fed RH was greater than in rice control group. The gut transit time was longer in the rats fed RH than in the rice control group significantly. Serum GOT, GPT, total bilirubin concentration were tended to be lower and blood urea nitrogen was significantly lower in RH group. The maturation index of kidney was higher in RU than in RC. These results suggest that physically modified rice starch improved growth performance and physiological functions in organs of growing rats.



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