Grape Seed Extract Protects Mice against Disseminated Candidiasis

  • 발행 : 2003.06.01


Effect of grape seed extract (GSE) against Candida albicans was examined under in-vitro and in-vivo conditions. The GSE was extracted in ethanol. In-vitro results from an agar diffusion susceptibility assay showed the GSE inhibited C. albicans growth. This anticandidal effect was at dose-dependency. In experiments with animals, mice that received the GSE (0.5 mg per mice), intravenously (i.v.), before i.v.-infection wish viable C. albicans yeast cells survived longer than diluent (buffer)-received control mice. In contrast, when GSE was given to mice after the mice were infected with the yeast cells, these mice showed a similar survival rate as compared to control mice that received no treatment with the GSE. Taken together, these data indicate that GSE has prophylactic effect but not therapeutic effect against disseminated candidiasis.



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