• LEE DONG-HUN (Department of Astronomy & Space Science and Institute of Natural Sciences Kyung Hee University) ;
  • SUNG SUK-KYUNG (Department of Astronomy & Space Science and Institute of Natural Sciences Kyung Hee University)
  • Published : 2003.06.01


The magnetosphere is often perturbed by impulsive input such as interplanetary shocks and solar wind discontinuities. We study how these initial perturbations are propagating within the magnetosphere over various latitude regions by adopting a three-dimensional numerical dipole model. We examine the wave propagation on a meridional plane in a time-dependent manner and compare the numerical results with multi-satellite and ground observations. The dipole model is used to represent the plasmasphere and magnetosphere with a realistic Alfven speed profile. It is found that the effects of refraction, which result from magnetic field curvature and inhomogeneous Alfven speed, are' found to become important near the plasmapause. Our results show that, when the disturbances are assumed at the subsolar point of the dayside magnetosphere, the travel time becomes smaller to the polar ionosphere compared to the equatorial ionosphere.



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