장애인 건강관리를 위한 지역사회 재활보건의료서비스 전달체계 구축 방안

A Policy Alternatives on Developing Health Care Delivery System for Disable Person in the Community

  • 유호신 (고려대학교 간호대학) ;
  • 이주열 (남서울대학교 보건행정학과)
  • Ryu Hosihn (College of Nursing, Korea University) ;
  • Lee Juyul (Department of Health Administration Namseoul University)
  • 발행 : 2003.03.01


This policy alternatives for establishment of rehabilitation health care delivery system for the disabled in the community were developed based on the data of current health status and situations of health care management for disabled persons in Korea. This research was conducted with secondary data analysis for identifying health status and current situations of managing health of disabled persons, and discussed current issues for establishing rehabilitation health care delivery systems in the community. Observing the health status and current situations of managing health of disabled persons, scope and target population of disabled person extended. so prevalence rates increased. and the severity of disability intensified and specified. The summary of issues of health management for disabled persons included; 1) absence of comprehensive and systematic policy in rehabilitation health care systems. 2) absence of consumer based rehabilitation health care facilities and delivery systems that are considered as the characteristics of disabled persons 3) fixed form of projects based on the provider and lack of variety in the programs. Hereafter. to overcome these problems. policy alternatives should 1) establish a comprehensive rehabilitation health care policy for disabled persons. 2) establish comprehensive and specific community based rehabilitation health care delivery systems that can promote preventing disability. providing medical care for disabled persons, establishing rehabilitation management for disabled persons and health care when returning to society. 3) provide training and secure manpower for rehabilitation, but the training case managers who will take the roles as an expert rehabilitation nurse mediators for multidisciplinary team work are needed immediately. and 4) include efficient connection and provision of independent services for welfare rehabilitation service and health care. Conclusively. a community based rehabilitation health care delivery system should be comprehensive policy vision of the government on rehabilitation health care delivery System rehabilitation service has to be constructed systematically under suitable facilities con consumer characteristics and rehabilitation health care policy. By doing this, consumer comprehensive community rehabilitation health care delivery system could be constructed disabled person.
