『해동죽지(海東竹枝)』에 나타난 세시풍속 고찰

The Study on Seasonal Customs of Hae-Dong-Jug-Ji

  • 양진조 (국립문화재연구소예능민속연구실)
  • Yang, jin-jo (Folkloric Studies Division, National Research Institute of Cultural Properties)
  • 발행 : 2002.12.23


The purpose of this paper is to investigate seasonal customs of "Hae-Dong-Jug-Ji". Cheo Yeong-hyeon was a literary man who passed away when Joseon Dynasty ruined after great change of dynasty. As the interest in the customs had also, there appeared a lot of books on common customs in each seasons. As a result, Chinese poems on the seasonal common customs turned up a great deal. Among these, "Hae-Dong-Jug-Ji" written by Cheo Yeong-hyeon is one of the representative poems which described the seasonal customs at that time. As the details of customs and lives in every work is described deliberately, the poem is very clear and realistic. This is the very achievement of the poet.
