자연과학논문집 (The Journal of Natural Sciences)
- 제12권1호
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- Pages.85-101
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- 2002
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- 1225-6196(pISSN)
시대 및 종교적 환경과 한국의 조경 경관형성 소고
Historical Contemplation on the Korean Landscape Characteristics as Affected by Religious Environment
- Shim, Jai-Sung (Faculty of Horticulture and landscape, Pai Chai University) ;
- Bae, Jeong-Kwan (Faculty of Horticulture and landscape, Pai Chai University) ;
- Seo, Byung-Key (Faculty of Horticulture and landscape, Pai Chai University) ;
- Choi, Jong-Myung (Faculty of Horticulture and landscape, Pai Chai University)
- 발행 : 2002.06.05
본 소고는 한국의 시대와 종교에 입각한 경관형성변화를 개관하고 조형방식의 역사적 변천과정을 고찰하면서 신개념의 조경 중심사상 구축을 위한 대안을 모색하였다. 미와 환경에 조화되는 경관조성을 시도하고 이를 통해 한국의 조경을 새로운 시각에서 재조명하였다. 또한 이를 종교적 차원으로 승화시키기 위한 자리메김의 가능성도 검토하였다, 경관이라는 개념을 시대와 장소에 따라 변화되는 의미를 탐색하고 경관을 통해 인간이 감각될 수 있는 상황적 인식을 추정하였다. 본 소고를 통해 한국적 조경의 위치와 이를 근거로 민족의 사상 및 종교와 연관된 새로운 조경문화의 발전방안을 논의하였다.
Landscape civilization in Korea originated in Cochosun(Ancient Chosun) era, this again succeeding to the period of the Three States - Koguryo, Baekje and Silla. The distribution of this culture showed great progress with the association of two particular religions - Buddhism and Confucianism.. Landscape development in Korea has greatly changed during specific times of both cultural and political upheaval in various societies. Religion has had a great deal of influence on landscape development. Traditionally Korean people have had a tendency to favor more natural landscape than man-made structures in landscape : This trend was a quite different concept from that of other oriental countries, not to mention of western countries. In particular, Buddhism influenced natural landscape, far from artificial craftsmanship in landscape. Oriental garden is a typical 'tabloid edition' of natural landscape which consists lakes, islands, ponds, stone monuments, and fruit trees, quite often raising animal in parks and courtyard style house. This style of garden influenced in Chosun Dynasty landscape. Landscaping was usually for royal gardens, cemetery parks or high level of officer's residence. However, landscaping in Chosun Dynasty which had established Confucianism as a state religion gave us a specific designation. It was neither ethnic imitation of the garden style of both China and Japan : People were used to enjoy nature-friendly landscape or sink into the ecstasy of natural scenery itself. The trend that landscape or establishing garden had been aimed at royal family- or bureaucrat-centered formatives was to become an obstacle to the development of landscape techniques in Korea. An example represented in a beautiful garden with fabulous decoration which established in places. This was completely not fit for the nation's feeling.