全身性 紅斑性 狼瘡에 對한 文獻的 考察

The oriental-western literatual studies on the SLE

  • 정현아 (대전대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실) ;
  • 노석선 (대전대학교 한의과대학 안이비인후피부과학교실)
  • 발행 : 20020800


This study attempted to study SLE oriental-western medically. As a result, the following conclusion was drawn 1. SLE is autoimmune disease to appear systemic pathology in the connective tissue, oriental medically correspond with numbness, yangdok(陽毒), yangdokbalban(陽毒發斑), fatigue, flank pain, phlegm, chest pain, asthma and cough, edema. 2. The cause of SLE is supposed by hereditary reason, ultraviolet exposure, medication, immune functional disorder, oriental medically is supposed by congenital in suffiency, sunlight exposure, pregnancy, menstruation, over wark, mental stimulus etc. 3. The oriental mechanisms of SLE were flursh of fever, yang defiency of spleen and kidney, defiency of yin and flourishing fire, obstruction of qi and stagnancy of blood, defiency qi and yin, defiency heart and spleen, liver stasis. 4. The treatments method of SLE were cooling blood and defending yin·clear away heat and detoxification, warming kidney and descending yang·establishing spleen and flowing water, nourishing yin and cooling blood, relaxation of liver and circulatin of qi·activating blood and removing stagnant blood,activating blood and promoting meridian. 5. the highest frequent prescription of SLE was jibakjihwanghwan(地柏地黃丸), in decending order segakjihwangtanggagam(犀角地黃湯加減), jinmutanggagam(眞武湯加減), soyosangagam(逍遙散加減), saengmakyingagam(生脈飮加減), daeboyinhwangagam(大補陰丸加減), yukmijihwanghwan(六味地黃丸), woogwihwangagam(右歸丸加減), kueibitang(歸脾湯), segakjihwangtanghaphwabantanggagam(犀角地黃湯合化斑湯加減), chengwonpaedokyingagam(淸溫敗毒飮加減), youngyanggudengyin(羚羊鉤藤飮).
