사이버테러의 현황과 대책에 관한 연구

Countermeasures against Cyber terror in Korea

  • 안창훈 (경찰청 사이버테러대응센터)
  • 발행 : 2002.02.28


Koreans are the most avid Internet surfers in the world according to Nielson/NetRatings(Reuters, August 2001) and most Internet connections are made through high-speed connections like Digital Subscriber Lines (DSLs). The result of such internet fervor is a nation that is fertile in both hackers and software companies(over 200 in the field of network security alone). However, by-product of Internet activity is cyber crime and the need to protect innocent users from the dangers of cyber criminals and cyber-terrorists be they are individuals or organized groups. Hence the Cyber Terror Response Team (CTRT) was organized in late 2000 with the mandate to fulfill that role. In these contexts, this study analyzes the actual conditions of cyber terror and suggests the countermeasures against cyber terror in Korea.
