Attitudes of Mini-Supermarket Shoppers in Hanoi, Vietnam: A Case Study in the Early Development of Modern Retailing

  • Speece, Mark (School of Management, Asian Institute of Technology and Graduate School, Bangkok University) ;
  • Huong, Luc Thi Thu (Marketing Department, Hanoi Commercial University)
  • 발행 : 2002.11.22


Vietnams urban middle class is strongly value oriented in its shopping behavior. They want fairly good quality and service, but they also factor price into their considerations. In terms of retail patronage, they demand convenience, good service, attractive display, and especially want extensive choice. Brands must be present in multiple types of outlet, or fragile brand loyalties can be broken. Mini supermarkets have become an important part of the retail scene in the past decade, and have successfully introduced the supermarket concept to Vietnam. Many consumers are integrating mini supermarkets into their regular shopping, and are willing to pay the higher prices to gain the benefits of such shopping. However, the mini supermarkets do not adequately meet some of the things they expect from supermarkets. Large supermarkets are just entering the market, and are likely to capture much of the current mini supermarket customer base.
