여대생(女大生)의 성역할(性役割) 정체감(正體感)과 화장(化粧) 행동(行動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

A Study on Sex Role Identity and Makeup Behavior

  • 구자명 (안산공과대학 뷰티디자인과) ;
  • 이구영 (안산공과대학 뷰티디자인과)
  • 발행 : 2002.06.30


This objective study were to classify the contents of makeup behavior, to investigate the relationship between makeup behavior and sex role identity, and to examine how the makeup behavior, makeup satisfaction was influenced by sex role identity and demographics. To achieve this, the researchers surveyed 162 women for the ages of 18 through 25. The result of this study are followed. 1) Four factor of makeup behavior were sexual attractiveness, aesthetic, psychological dependence and makeup interest. 2) There were significant positive relationship between makeup behavior and sex role identity. 3) Sexual attractiveness were influenced by femininity, income. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 8.5%. Aesthetic were influenced by masculinity. The explanatory power of the 1 variable was 9.2%. Psychological dependence were influenced by femininity. The explanatory power of the 1 variable was 8.2%. Makeup interest were influenced by masculinity, age. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 9.0%. 4 Makeup satisfaction were influenced by sexual attractiveness, aesthetic. The explanatory power of the 2 variables were 22.1%.



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