A uniform is generated in the course of confirming a singular mode of dress that is adopted by a community for a specific purpose. In particular, women's uniform has a close relations to their position in the community they belong to. And women's uniform has closely been associated with finding ways into their communities over the centuries, and is part of women's development process. Women's history of using organized uniforms has not been longer than men's. Their realm of activities began to be enlarged due to the World War, and women's uniform has gradually settled down and moved toward diversity. The origin of many uniforms worn by today's women can be traced back to the end of the last century, and this fact indicates that women started to find their ways into many new fields at that time. There has been a lot of changes until current women's uniforms come out. It's intended in this study to contribute to designing more creative and productive women's uniform, by taking a careful look at typical early uniforms for service personnels, nannies, nurses and soldiers that are an indication of their work and working environment.