1995년(年) 이후(以後) 아방가르드 패션의 디자인 분석(分析)

A Study on the Design Analysis of Avant-Garde Fashion Since 1995

  • 구인숙 (충남대학교 생활과학대학 소비자생활정보학과)
  • Koo, In-Sook (Dept. of Consumers' Life Information, College of Ecology, ChungNam National University)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


The purpose of this study was to investigate the Avant-garde's aesthetic values and expressoinal characteristic, and to find out(analysis) the design characteristic of Avant garde fashion since 1995. Expressoinal characteristics of Avant garde with the anti-aesthetic, radically pursuing newness, and open mind, are revealed dynamism, hostile innovation, and experimentalism. Futuristic images expressed in dynamism represent space style, body conscious style, cyborg style, kinetic style, and primitive style. And deconstructional images related to hostile innovation show punk style, grunge style, humor style, and abstractive style. Also surreal images related to experimentalism hold erotic style, depasemant style, deformation style, and collage style. The proper usage of newness offers the escape, the vividness, and the humour from the fatigue of the life and so, it is expected to offer the chance of transfering the active individuals and societies directly or indirectly By analyzing the instances for the images of avant-garde fashion since 1995, the contribution about the expectation of the design trends of the present and future is expected.



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