소비자 중심의 간호서비스 질 결정요인에 관한 연구;SERVQUAL모형을 중심으로

A Study on the Determinants of Consumer-Oriented Nursing Service Quality;SERVQUAL Model based

  • 발행 : 2002.02.28


As the tendency of the society is centralized into consumers and services, patients are getting to ask better medical services. The consumers influenced from various social surroundings became to have some expectation of nursing service. Compared with their expectation, the quality of the services which they virtually get may be recognized and evaluated. So it is necessary to know exactly what the consumers want in nursing services. The purpose of this study is to examine the determinants which can evaluate the quality of nursing services by researching into consumers' expectation and perception of the nursing services depending on the consumer-oriented attributions on the basis of the model of SERVQUAL. 1,144 of outpatients were selected as the subjects for this research. They used to continuously visit the same hospital after being hospitalized and nursed in 9 hospitals randomly selected among the second-level medical organizations in Seoul from January to February, 2001. The collected data are analyzed into the Descriptive Statistics, t-test, GLM and Multiple Regression through the SAS program. Delphi was used for the research tool and the results of the research are as follows; the determinants in evaluating the quality of nursing services consist of 5 categories such as Tangibility, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance, Empathy. The values of Cronbach' $\alpha$ appeared to be 0.96 in the expectation of nursing services, 0.94 in the perception of nursing services and 0.96 in the importance of nursing services. The determinants in the expectation of nursing services were ranged in the order of Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Responsiveness and Tangibility. And those in the perception of nursing services were in the order of Assurance, Empathy, Reliability, Tangibility and Responsiveness. Those in the importance of nursing service were in the order of Empathy, Assurance, Reliability, Tangibility and Responsiveness. Finally, those in the quality of nursing service were in the order of Tangibility, Responsiveness, Empathy, Reliability and Assurance. Each expectation of nursing services appeared different depending on the subjects' age, gender, clinical department and reason for hospitalization. The hypothesis examined in this research shows that the group having higher personal needs shows meaningful differences in the expectation of nursing services, and the subjects who have had external communication show higher perception of nursing service than uncommunicative ones. After all, we can see that the statistical differences in the perception of nursing services depend on whether the subjects have external communications or not. The determinants in the expectation of nursing services can explain the quality of nursing service up to 14.96%. The statistically meaningful determinants in the expectation could be arranged in the order of Reliability, Assurance and Tangibility. And the more expectation brings about the lower evaluation of the quality of nursing services. The determinants in the perception of nursing service can explain the quality of nursing services up to 29.85%. The statistically meaningful determinants in the perception could be arranged in the order of Responsiveness, Reliability, Tangibility, Empathy, and Assurance. And the more perception brings about the higher evaluation of the quality of nursing services. According to the result of the above research, I would like to propose as follows. As long as this research is oriented to get knowledge of the consumer-oriented nursing services, it should be continued to draw the other elements determining the quality of the nursing services. Furthermore, this research is based upon the Parasuraman, A., et al.'s SERVQUAL Model(1991), which deals only expectation, perception and quality of consumer-oriented nursing services, so it will be necessary to inspect and verify it through the other models containing the offerers of nursing services in the future. On the other hand, as this research evaluates the actual quality of nursing services based on the expectation and perception of nursing services, it can be utilized as fundamental data to develop the marketing strategies and to estimate the qualities as well. I hope this research will be periodically estimated to be the useful data to develop the marketing strategies in the nursing service area.
