간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제8권1호
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- Pages.137-150
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- 2002
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
간호사의 임파워먼트와 직무만족, 조직몰입과의 관계
A Study on the relationship of Empowerment with Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment perceived by nurses
- Nam, Kyung-Hee ;
Park, Jung-Ho
(College of Nursing, Seoul National University)
- 발행 : 2002.02.28
Today, environments of healthcare and hospital organizations are changing very rapidly. In response to these rapid and uncontrollable changes, organizational members should be required to be empowered, because empowerment makes feelings of powerlessness and frustration reduce and leads to work performance such as Job satisfaction and Organizational commitment. The term 'Empowerment' is frequently used in recent, but there is a lack of study. In nursing administration, studies are also few. Empowerment is defined here as a cognitive, continuous and active process which empower intrinsic work motivation to members. This study takes empowerment as a construct composed of four factors-meaning, competence, self-determination, impact. 1. The purpose is to analyze the relationship of empowerment with job - satisfaction and organizational commitment perceived by nurses. 2. The method : Data were collected from 334 nurses in 2-hospital and gathered during the period 20days from September 11 to September 30, 2000 and ANOVA, Pearson's correlaton etc are conducted for this study. 3. The results were as follows: 1) In characteristics of subjects, age and the period of duty were significantly different in empowerment (p<0.001). Educational background, marriage and motivation to be nurse were different in empowerment(p<0.05). 2) Empowerment degree perceived by nurses was 55.52. 3) Empowerment was related with job satisfaction (p<0.001) but was not related with organizational commitment. 4. Conclusion : The above result was different from other empowerment studys which empowerment is related with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. The study on empowerment is important in the aspect of strategies for increasement of work performance. For the proper tool in nursing practice, we study empowerment in various aspects and the further studys for the relationship of empowerment with organizational commitment are needed.