간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제8권1호
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- Pages.123-135
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- 2002
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
복강경 담낭 절제술 환자의 표준관리지침 개발 및 적용 효과
Development and Effectiveness of the Critical Pathway for Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy Patients
- Jun, Seong-Sook (Dept of Nursing, Pusan National University) ;
- Park, Young-Ju (Wallace Memorial Baptist Hospital)
- 발행 : 2002.02.28
Purpose: In this study, the critical pathway for laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients was developed and applied for clinical study. The effectiveness of the critical pathway was analyzed. Method: The subjects with no critical pathway services of this study were 30 laparoscopic cholecystectomy operation patients, who were hospitalized in B General Hospital in Busan from Nov. 28. 2000 to May 2. 2001. The subjects with critical pathway services of this study were 30 laparoscopic cholecystectomy operation patients, who were hospitalized in B General Hospital in Busan from June. 11. 2001 to Oct. 31. 2001. Results: 1. Development for critical pathway Preliminary critical pathway for the laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients was developed though analysis of the reference and 34 case of medical record. The items on the y-axis were assessment, test, treatment, diet, fluid, consult, medication, activity and education and the items on the x-axis were till 3days after operation. The developed critical pathway was applied in clinical field. 2. Effectiveness of application on developed critical pathwayPost operational complication was not found in neither the critical pathway using Group nor Non-using Group. Hospitalization period mean was 4.63 days for the using Group and 5.93 days for the Non-using Group(P=.001). The mean cost for medical examination and treatment for the using Group was 786,270 won, 117,454 won(12.9%) less than that of the Non-using Group, 903,724 won(P=.000). The degree of satisfaction for the using group was 3.7 points, for the Non-using Group, 3.15 points. The degree of satisfaction for the used Group was 0.55 points higher than that for the Non-using Group and there was a statistically significant difference(P=.000). Concousion: From results of this study, Using the critical pathway in the laparoscopic cholecystectomy operational patients was effective in decreasing the hospitalization period and cost, and increasing the satisfaction about the medical service.