간호행정학회지 (Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing Administration)
- 제8권1호
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- Pages.73-83
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- 2002
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- 1225-9330(pISSN)
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- 2288-4955(eISSN)
간호학생 임상실습 교육에서 실습 지도자 활용(preceptorship)의 교수 효율성과 임상실습 만족도
The Teaching Effectiveness of Preceptorship and Satisfaction of Student for Clinical practice on Nursing Education
- Choi, Kong-Ok (Department of Nursing, GachonGil College) ;
Jo, Hyun-Sook
(Department of Nursing, GachonGil College) ;
- Kim, Chung-Youb (Department of Nursing, GachonGil College) ;
- Kim, Byung-Youn (Gachon Medical School Gil Medical Center) ;
- Chang, Soon-Ja (Gachon Medical School Gil Medical Center)
- 발행 : 2002.02.28
To identify the effects of preceptorship on teaching effectiveness at clinical nursing education, a group of nursing students who participate in program under the instruction of the preceptors was compared with the other group of nursing students trained by head nurses.The data were collected from 14 Mary. 2001 to 8 June 2001. The subjects of this study were 85 nursing students trained by the preceptors in the G. medical college hospital in Inchon, and 122 nursing students trained by head nurses at several hospitals in Inchon and Puchon, Korea. The scale for measuring the teaching effectiveness and satisfaction of student for clinical practice developed by Kim, Miae and Lee, Sookja were employed as the tool for the study. The data collected were analysed with SPSS on the teaching effectiveness items, then mean value and SD were evaluated. The t-test were also employed to compare the teaching effectiveness and satisfaction of student for clinical practice of the both groups. The relation of teaching effectives and satisfaction of student for clinical practice were analysed with Pearson's correlation coefficient. The following findings were carried out from this study. 1) The group trained by preceptors showed significant higher teaching effectiveness statistically than the group trained by head nurses, scored mean value of 3.46 and 3.04 respectively in the item of teaching effectiveness. 2) The respective item showing high score of teaching effectiveness in both groups was 'smooth and reasonable dealing on the issues occurred in the wards'. But the items of 'help nursing students to familiarize with other staffs quickly'and 'help always at near' showed low scores. 3) For 5 causal factors classified on the teaching effectiveness, the factor of 'professional knowledge and capability' got the highest score, but 'availability as a supporter' showed the lowest score in both groups. 4) The group trained by preceptors showed significant higher students' satisfaction of clinical practice than the group trained by head nurses, scored mean value of 3.54 and 3.17. 5) Total teaching effectives were posive correlation with students' satisfaction of clinical practice significantly (r=0.603)