Protein Interaction Databases and Its Application

단백질 상호작용 데이터베이스 현황 및 활용 방안

  • 김민경 (세종대학교 바이오인포매틱스 연구소) ;
  • 박현석 (세종대학교 바이오인포매틱스 연구소)
  • Published : 2002.09.30


In the past, bioinformatics was often regarded as a difficult and rather remote field, practiced only by computer scientists and not a practical tool available to biologists. However, the various on-going genome projects have had a serious impact on biological sciences in various ways and now there is little doubt that bioinformatics is an essential part of the research environment, with a wealth of biological information to analyze and predict. Fully sequenced genomes made us to have additional insights into the functional properties of the encoded proteins and made it possible to develop new tools and schemes for functional biology on a proteomic scale. Among those are the yeast two-hybrid system, mass spectrometry and microarray: the technology of choice to detect protein-protein interactions. These functional insights emerge as networks of interacting proteins, also known as "pathway informatics" or "interactomics". Without exception it is no longer possible to make advances in the signaling/regulatory pathway studies without integrating information technologies with experimental technologies. In this paper, we will introduce the databases of protein interaction worldwide and discuss several challenging issues regarding the actual implementation of databases.
