암 환자의 정보요구 분석

Information Needs on Patients with Cancer in Korea

  • 김기연 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학과) ;
  • 허혜경 (연세대학교 원주의과대학 간호학과)
  • Kim, Gi-Yon (Department of Nursing, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine) ;
  • Hur, Hea-Kung (Department of Nursing, Yonsei University Wonju College of Medicine)
  • 발행 : 2002.03.30


Purpose: To explore what particular types of information were important to patients diagnosed with cancer. Methods: Seventy three patients with cancer at an outpatient clinic and hospitalized patients in W Christian Hospital Korea, responded. The structured questionnaire developed by the investigator based on previous studies. Results: There was a significant negative relationship between age and the score of informational need (r=-.307, p<.05). Level of education, and level of monthly income were related to level of informational need. The top three informational priorities according to the time since diagnosis were 'Self care during treatment', 'Health food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', 'Follow up care' and 'Side effects'. The top three informational priorities for patients with breast cancer were 'Likelihood of recurrence', 'Metastasis possibility', 'Treatment options', and 'Side effects. For patients with stomach cancer, they were 'Follow up care', 'Healthy food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', and 'Metastasis possibility', and for patients with colon/rectal cancer, they were 'Side effects', 'Healthy food and diet', 'Likelihood of recurrence', and 'Self care during treatment'. Conclusion: The assessment of information needs based on demographic factors and disease-related factors is critical in helping patients with cancer to manage their illness.
