『고금도서집성(古今圖書集成)』 ·의부(醫部)의 편찬(編纂)과 의의(意義)

Publishment of 『KoKeumDoSeoJipSeong』 ·EuiBoo and its significance

  • 발행 : 2002.11.30


"KoKeumDoSeoJipSeong" EuiBoo that is commonly known as 'EuiBooJeonRok' is a part of "HeumJeongKoKeumDoSeoJipSeong" which was published under Qing empire support and it has a significance in gathering all the results of eastern medicine until 18th century. It contained the best knowledge of the time and considered as the most precious book for two hundred years, but nowadays it is looked away in its value and use. We could prescribe the historical significance this classic medical book has and furthermore, embody the basic knowledge necessary for constructing database by studing compilation and editions. This is the significance the classic "DoSeoJipSeong" has and the significance of the digital EuiBooJipSeong which will be newly shown as a digital knowledge information system.
