투명 유리 사무소 건물의 냉방부하 감소를 위한 적정 외부차양 배치에 관한연구

A Study on Designing a Proper External Shading Device to Diminish the Cooling Load of a Transparent Glazing Office Building

  • 발행 : 2002.12.31


Modem architecture represent a great capitalistic, polishing, high-technology image to the public by design. As a result, glass architecture which show 'transmittance' in desinging play a leading part, consequently a role of machine is increasing in controlling an internal environment of building. These movement look like assisting an universal standard building disregarding a each nation's climate peculiarity, if glass building is applied by a proper external shading device. the shading device has a great effect on the reduction of cooling load energy, this research to propose the proper designing scheme of the fixed external shading device. The effect of proper external shading device on the cooling load is evaluated by the numeric simulation.



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