쌍롤법에 의한 Al-Sn합금 Strip의 제조 및 특성에 관한 연구

A Stud on the Fabrication and Characteristics of Al-Sn Alloy Strips by Twin-Roll Process

  • 이정근 (인하대학교 재료공학부) ;
  • 주대헌 (인하대학교 재료공학부) ;
  • 김명호 (인하대학교 재료공학부)
  • Lee, Jeong-Keun (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Joo, Dae-Heon (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University) ;
  • Kim, Myung-Ho (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University)
  • 발행 : 2002.08.20


Twin-roll process is a relatively new continuous casting process which can produce high-quality strip products directly, and solidification rate can reach $10^3$ to $10^4$ K/s, leading to fine and uniform microstructures with enhanced mechanical properties. The strip casting condition for producing fine Al-Sn alloy strip was obtained experimentally, and defects appearing on the strip was examined. Crack formation and surface quality of the strip was found to depend mainly on process parameters such as melt temperature, roller gap and rolling speed. Sn structure of network type was observed in Al-20Sn and Al-40Sn alloy strips, and cell spacing of Al-40Sn alloy was smaller than that of Al-20Sn. Banding strength of the heat treated specimens increased with increasing of soaking time and temperature, and bonding strength of Al-20Sn alloy was more superior than that of Al-40Sn alloy. However wear resistance of Al-40Sn alloy contained large amount of soft Sn which possess good anti-friction characteristics was superior than that of Al-20Sn alloy.



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