$Eu^{3+}$가 첨가된 광변환 유리의 특성과 효과연구 1(유리의 제조와 특성)

Characteristics of Photo-conversion Glass with $Eu^{3+}$ and Its Use 1 (Glass Production and Photo-conversion Characteristics)

  • 발행 : 2002.12.31


Photosynthesis of plants is effective in the range of 550 to 700 nm of the wavelength of solar irradiation. If the conversion of ultraviolet to the above mentioned region is possible, the photosynthesizing ability is expected to be enhanced. $Eu^{3+}$ doped soda-lime bulk and $TiO_2-SiO_2$ sol-gel coated glasses were prepared and their spectroscopic properties were studied. The absorption and emission spectra for the specimens were measured with the changes of wavelength and Eu ion concentration in the range of the wavelength of 300 to 700nm. The transmittance intensity of visible light through the bulk glass and the coated one was unchanged with the addition of Eu element. The emission spectrum intensity of $Eu^{3+}$ was found to be the maximum at 618 nm which is a transition of $^5DO{\rightarrow}^7F_2$. Additionally, it was shown that the intensity was linearly increased up to 10% of the Eu concentration.



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