Clean Technology (청정기술)
- Volume 8 Issue 3
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- Pages.167-172
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- 2002
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- 1598-9712(pISSN)
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- 2288-0690(eISSN)
Immobilization of Earthworm Casts to Treat the Waste Sludge Produced from Pulp & Paper Plants as a Biocarrier
제지공정 페슬러지처리용 지렁이 분변토의 담체화 기술
- Cho, Wook Sang (Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Suwon) ;
Lee, Eun Young
(Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Suwon) ;
- Cho, Nam Hyeuk (Hwa Young)
- Published : 2002.09.01
The adaptability of earthworm casts produced form the waste sludge of pulp and paper plants for a biocarrier used in the advanced wastewater treatment was investigated. Removal efficiencies of nutrients in the activated sludge technology without carrier were compared with those treated with carrier made of casts under the different conditions such as the composition of the input and kinds of carrier. When the waste water was treated in the activated sludge technology without carriers, removal efficiencies of T-P and T-N were average values of 31% and 52%, respectively. On the contrary, pellet type carrier and pack type carrier increased the removal efficiencies of T-P and T-N by 1.3~1.4 and 1.9~2.0 times, respectively. At the same time, the high removal of T-P and T-N were observed irrespective of the types of carrier in which many kinds of microorganisms were grown. The difference in the removal efficiencies of BOD and COD between the treatment with and without carrier was negligible. According to this research, the carrier made of casts was thought to be highly applicable in the advanced wastewater treatment.
제지슬러지를 지렁이에게 급이하여 생산된 분변토의 하 폐수 고도처리용 담체로의 적용 가능성에 대하여 알아보았다. 먼저 폐수를 일반 활성슬러지법으로 운전한 후 이를 담체와 유입수의 조건을 달리하여 영양 염류의 제거 효율을 알아보았다. 담체를 적용하기 전엔 T-P및 T-N의 제거율은 각각 평균 52%와 31%정도로 나타났다. Pellet 형 및 pack 형으로 제조된 두 종류의 분변토 담체를 적용한 후에는 T-P의 경우는 제거효율이 약 1.3~1.4배 증가하였으며 T-N의 제거효율은 약 1.9 ~ 2.0 배 증가하여 상당히 뛰어난 영양염류의 제거 효율을 보여주었다. 또한, T-N 및 T-P의 제거효율은 담체의 종류에는 큰 영향을 받지 않아 다양한 미생물이 서식하는 분변토는 성형 방법에 관계없이 뛰어난 성능을 보임을 알 수 있었다. 반면, 담체 적용 전후의 BOD 및 COD의 제거 효율은 큰 차이가 없었다. 본 연구를 통하여 분변토로 제조된 담체는 하 폐수 고도처리용 담체로의 활용 가능성이 매우 높은 것으로 사료된다.