Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition
- Volume 5 Issue 2
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- Pages.186-191
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- 2002
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- 2234-8646(pISSN)
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- 2234-8840(eISSN)
Bile Peritonitis Due to Spontaneous Rupture of Choledochal Cyst Diagnosed by Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy in an Infant
영아에서 간담도 스캔으로 진단된 총 담관낭의 자연 천공에 의한 담즙성 복막염 1례
- Kim, Jong-Seok (Department of Pediatrics, Dae Dong Hospital) ;
- Lim, Jang-Hun (Department of Pediatrics, Dae Dong Hospital) ;
- Bae, Sang-Nam (Department of Pediatrics, Dae Dong Hospital) ;
- Lee, Jun-Woo (Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Busan national University) ;
- Kim, In-Ju (Department of Nuclear Medicine, College of Medicine, Busan national University) ;
- Park, Jae-Hong (Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Busan national University)
- 김종석 (부산대동병원 소아과) ;
- 임장훈 (부산대동병원 소아과) ;
- 배상남 (부산대동병원 소아과) ;
- 이준우 (부산대학교 의과대학 방사선과학교실) ;
- 김인주 (부산대학교 의과대학 핵의학교실) ;
- 박재홍 (부산대학교 의과대학 소아과학교실)
- Received : 2002.08.28
- Accepted : 2002.09.07
- Published : 2002.09.30
Choledochal cyst is a congenital anomaly with classic triad of abdominal pain, jaundice and right upper abdominal mass. Bile peritonitis caused by cyst rupture is relatively not rare in infancy. The mechanism of rupture must be epithelial irritation of the biliary tract by refluxed pancreatic juice caused by pancreatico-biliary malunion associated with mural immaturity in infancy, rather than an abnormal rise in ductal pressure or congenital mural weakness at a certain point. We experienced a case of bile peritonitis caused by spontanenous rupture of choledochal cyst in a 10-month-old girl presented with abdominal distension, persistent fever, diarrhea, irritability and intractable ascites. She was presumed as having bile peritonitis by bile colored ascitic fluid with elevated bilirubin level and diagnosis was made by
구토, 심한 보챔, 고열, 복수를 동반한 복부 팽만 등 급성 복막염의 양상을 보인 10개월 된 여아에서 복부 천자 후 담즙성 복막염 의심하에