A comparative investigation of the TTU pressure envelope -Numerical versus laboratory and full scale results

  • Bekele, S.A. (The Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario) ;
  • Hangan, H. (The Boundary Layer Wind Tunnel Laboratory, University of Western Ontario)
  • 발행 : 2002.04.25


Wind tunnel pressure measurements and numerical simulations based on the Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) are compared with full and model scale data in the flow area of impingement, separation and wake for $60^{\circ}$ and $90^{\circ}$ wind azimuth angles. The phase averaged fluctuating pressures simulated by the RSM model are combined with modelling of the small scale, random pressure field to produce the total, instantaneous pressures. Time averaged, rsm and peak pressure coefficients are consequently calculated. This numerical approach predicts slightly better the pressure field on the roof of the TTU (Texas Tech University) building when compared to the wind tunnel experimental results. However, it shows a deviation from both experimental data sets in the impingement and wake regions. The limitations of the RSM model in resolving the intermittent flow field associated with the corner vortex formation are discussed. Also, correlations between the largest roof suctions and the corner vortex "switching phenomena" are observed. It is inferred that the intermittency and short duration of this vortex switching might be related to both the wind tunnel and numerical simulation under-prediction of the peak roof suctions for oblique wind directions.



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