의료기관 전자결제시스템 도입을 위한 Human-Technology Integration에 관한 연구

Human-Technology Integration for Implementing Electronic Approval System in a Hospital

  • 박재성 (고신대학교 의료경영학과) ;
  • 박기수 (고신대학교 컴퓨터과학부)
  • 발행 : 2002.09.30


The purpose of study is to understand human-technology integration mechanism by using the study model that takes the core concept and motivation assumptions of technology acceptance model(TAM) into account. This study identifies three motivation mechanisms in adopting or using computer mediated communication(CMC) tool for work. The mechanism comprises with extrinsic, extrinsic motivation, and subjective norm pressure. One hospital with 430 beds and 367 human power was identified and we administered the questionnaire during their work hours. There is 32.4% response rate. The fitting index of the study model surpass the acceptable level, GFI = .980 for none-users, GFI =.986 for users, NNFI = .973 for none-users, and NNFI = .989 for users. In the case of none-users, perceived ease of use determines perceived usefulness that explains behavioral intention to use. As a result, adotpers' usage motivation is based on extrinsic motivation that does not consider their affective factor, attitude, in use of CMC. Users considers their attitudes as the mediating factor of all behavioral beliefs for using CMC continually. Thus, users are likely to depend their adoption behaviors on their affective factor. Moreover, users' behavioral intention is subject to pressures of use from other persons who are important to them, such as supervisor, director, or boss. Achieving human-technology integration in a hospital may cause cost saving and work efficiency. However, the success of information system should base on a profound understanding of employees' adoption behaviors in rejecting, adopting, using, continually using of IT, and organization culture in using IT.
