미국의 국방과학 역사를 통해 관찰한 UCAV 의 진화과정

The Evolution of UCAV Systems through the Development History of U.S. Defense Technology




  1. Tony Mason, The University of Birmingham, "How Far the UCAV?", July, 2001.,
  2. “KARI 무인항공기 개발방향”, 건국대학교 UAV/MAV 워크샵, 2002.1.18., p.22.
  3. Richard M. Clark. "Uninhabited Combat Aerial Vehicles: Airpower by the people, for the people, but not with the people." Maxwell AFB, AL: Thesis for School of Advanced Airpower Studies, June, 1999.
  4. Tom Ehrhard, "The US Air Force and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles" (Ph.D Diss., Johns Hopkins University,1999) ,p.3.
  5. Hugh McDaid, David Oliver, Smart Weapons (New York: Barnes and Noble.Inc., 1997) p.10.
  6. Kenneth P. Werrell, The Evolution of the Cruise Missile (Maxwell AFB, AL: Air University Press, 1985) p.8.
  7. Christopher A. Jones, "Unmanned Aerial Vehicles : An Assessment of Historical Operations and Future Possibilities." Air Command and Staff College: Thesis Research Paper, March 1997.
  8. David A. Fulghum, "UAVs Pressed Into Action To Fill Void," Aviation Week and Space Technology, August 19, 1991, p.59.
  9. "National RPV Policy Needed?," Armed Forces Journal, Feb. 1973, p.20
  10. 이경태, 이기학, “UAV 총론 및 국내 UAV 연구개발 방향”, 한국항공우주학회지 제28권 6호, 2000. 9., pp.142-163.

피인용 문헌

  1. Study of the UCAS Susceptibility Parameters and Sensitivities by using Monte-Carlo Simulation vol.39, pp.3, 2011,