과학 영재 학생과 일반 학생은 창의성에서 어떻게 다른가? - 서울대학교 과학영재교육센터 학생들을 중심으로 -

What are the Differences Between Scientifically Gifted and Normal Students in the Aspects of Creativity?

  • 발행 : 2002.03.30


In the present study we have compared and analyzed three different measures of creativity in 135 gifted and 161 normal students to understand the nature of creativity and to propose the guideline for measuring creativity. The instruments used to measure creativity in this study are the Torrance Test of Creativity Thinking (TTCT), the Test of Creative Problem solving and Finding in Science (CPFS), and the Creative Behavior Checklist in Science (CBCS). The TTCT is the most widely used divergent thinking test and measures creativity in the aspect of domain-generality. The CPFS and the CBCS were developed for the purpose of this study and measure domain-specific creativity in the area of Science. The findings of this study revealed that gifted students are significantly more creative compared to normal students in all measures of creativity used in the study. The biggest difference between the gifted and normal students was found in the aspect of CPFS. This study implies that creativity, which is considered less useful to identify gifted students compared to achievement or IQ scores, is the important factor to consider for judging giftedness. The low correlations revealed among the TTCT, CPFS, and CBCS imply that the three measures of creativity address relatively different aspects of creativity. The results also suggest that it is essential to consider multiple criteria of creativity not to overlook potential creative students in the area of science. Implications of the study in connection with the identification and educational practices for gifted education program is discussed.



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