The Effects of Mental Capacity and Size of Chunk of Problem Solver and Mental Demand of Problem on Science Problem Solving

  • 발행 : 2002.12.30


The development of cognitive psychology provides us a theoretical base from which we can obtain information about human problem solving. One purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of cognitive psychological factors on the problem solving of the two kinds of tasks (content free, content specific). And the other purpose was to find out the existence of critical situation in problem solving process. Even the items of tasks with the same logical structure and content knowledge could have different sizes of mental demand. The results were as follows. The mental demand of the problem, and the problem solver's mental capacity, might be the main factors in problem solving. Critical situation of both a group and an individual existed in the tasks that need content free knowledge (FIT 752 task). But the critical situation of a group was completely different from that of the individual in the tasks that need content specific knowledge (electric circuit task). According to the analysis of achievement for each individual in the task that need content specific knowledge, the critical situation of an individual existed in problem solving, but the critical situation of a group was not existed by were summed up the individual results.



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