- 原本編註醫學入門(下) 이천
- 醫學入門 v.Þ? 이천
- J. Rheumatol v.19 Longterm drug therapy for rheumatoid arthritis in seven rheumatology private practices. Ⅱ Second line drugs and prednisone. Pincus T;Marcum SB;Callahan LF.
- 대한의학협회지 v.20 류마티양관절염의 감별진단 閔炳奭
- 最新鍼灸學 崔容泰 外
- 임상병리검사법 이삼열 외
- 太平惠民和劑局方 陳師文
- 方藥合編解說 申載鏞
- 證狀鑑別治療 李鳳敎
- 最新韓方處方解說 失敷道明
- Pain v.28 Evidence that adjuvant arthritis in the rat is associated with chronic pain. Colpaert FC.
- Arthritis Rheum v.33 no.3 Cytokine and Cytokine inhibitors or Antagonists In Rheumatoid arthritis W. P. Arend;Jean-Michel Dayer
- J. Rheumatol v.22 synthesis and Degradation of Hyaluronate by Synovia from patients with rheumatoid arthritis Peter Schenck;Stefan Schneider;Rolf Miehlke;Peter Prehm
- Harrison 내과학 해리슨번역 편찬위원회
- Brit. J. Rheum. v.32 Antibodies to type Ⅱ collagen in early rheumatoid arthritis K. Morgan;R. B. Clague;I. Reynolds;M. Davis
- 대한류마티스학회지 v.1 류마티스관절염의 병인 박동준;김동집
- Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. v.86 Potential antiinflammatory effects of interleukin 4, Suppression of human monocyte tumor necrosis factor α, interleukin 1, and prostaglandin E2 Prue H. Hart;Gerard F. Vitti Diana R. Burgess;Genevieve A. Whitty;Diana S. Piccoli;John A. Hamilton
- Arthritis Rheum. v.35 no.7 Recombinant human interleukin-1β-induced increase in levels of proteoglycans, stromelysin, and leukocytes in rabbit synovial fluid. Joseph McDonnel;Lori A. Hoermer;Michael W. Lark;Coral Harper;Tanvi Dey;Julie Lobner;Gerge Eiermann;Diana Kazazis;Irwin I. Singer;Vernon L. Moore
- Am. College. Rheumato. v.39 no.5 Guidelines for the Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis American College of Rheumatology ADHOC Committee
- Int. Arch. Allergy Immunol. v.104 New Directions for biological therapy in rheumatoid arthritis Michael J, Elliott.;Ranvinder N. Maini
- 鍼灸治療學 林鐘國
- 精神鍼灸學 이수호;최용태
- 診療要覽 김정제
- 增補韓方臨床40年 朴炳坤
- 類證治載 朴琴
- 實用中西醫結合診斷治療學 陳貴廷 外
- 整形外科學 石世一 外
- 內科學 v.下 李文鎬 외
- 景岳全書(上) 張介賓
- 巢氏諸病源候論 巢元方
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.16 痺病의 문헌적 연구 정석희
- 中國中西醫結合雜誌 v.14 no.11 類風濕性關節炎的四肢血流改變及中西醫結合治療 李尙珠 (外 3人)
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.14 no.2 류마티스성 관절염에 관한 임상적 고찰 나창수;안병철
- 黃帝內經素問今釋 王琦 (外 4人)
- 大韓韓醫學會誌 v.11 no.1 痺證治療의 用藥에 관한 小考 姜仁守
- 醫宗損益(上 黃度淵
- 證脈方藥合編 黃度淵
- 동의보감 허준
- 동국대 한의학연구소논문집 v.9 대방풍탕의 LPS유발 관절염 완화효과에 관한 실험적 연구 田元準
- 한의학연구소 동의한의연 제3집 대방풍탕이 흰쥐의 장기조직에 미치는 영향 崔斗善
- Nature v.387 Distinct ATP receptors on pain-sensing and stretch-sensing neurons. Cook SP;Vulchanova L;Hargreaves MN;Elde R;McCleskey EW.
- Ann. Rheum. Dis. v.53 Effect of three animal models of inflammation on nerve fibres in the synovium. Mapp PI;Walsh DA;Garrett NE;Kidd BL;Cruwys SC;Polak JM;Blake DR
- J. Neurosci. Methods v.49 A discrete adjuvant-induced monoarthritis in the rat-effects of adjuvant dose. Donaldson LF;Seckl JR;Mcqueen DS
- Pain v.28 Evidence that adjuvant arthritis in the rat is associated with chronic pain. Colpaert FC.
- The arthritic rat as a model of clinical pain Besson J-M;Guilbaud G.
- Am J Physio v.1 no.273 Relations between functional, inflammatory, and degenerative parameters during adjuvant arthritis in rats. Philippe L;Gegout-Pottie P;Guingamp C;Bordji K;Terlain B;Netter P;Gillet P
- 血證論校釋 裵正學
- 證治槪要 歐陽錡
- Neuroscience v.a no.60 The role of nitric oxide in the development and maintenance of the hyperalgesia produced by intraplantar injection of carrageenan in the rat. Meller ST;Cumming CP;Tranb RJ;Gebhart GF
- Agents Actions v.47 Nitric oxide: what role does it play in inflammation and tissue destruction? Evans CH.
- Eur. J. Pharmacol. v.273 Suppression of adjuvant-induced arthritis by selective inhibition of inducible nitric oxide synthase. Cannor JR;Manning PT;Settle SL;Moore WM;Jerome GM;Webber RK;Tjoeng FS;Currie MG.
- 諸病源候論校釋 南京中醫學院
- 針灸大成 楊繼洲