The Effects of Cooperativeness and Information Redundancy on Team Performance : A Simulation Study

협동성과 정보 여분의 팀 성과에 대한 효과 : 시뮬레이션 연구

  • 강민철 (아주대학교 경영대학 e-비즈니스학부)
  • Published : 2002.06.30


Cooperativeness within an organization can be conceptualized as the degree of members' willingness to work with others. The simulation study investigates the relationships of cooperativeness with team performance at different levels of information redundancy by using a multi-agents model called Team-Soar. The model consists of a group of four individual Al agents situated in a network, which models a naval command and control team consisting of four members. The study used a $9{\times}3$ design in which agent cooperativeness was manipulated at nine levels by gradually replacing selfish team members with increasing numbers of neutral and cooperative members, while information redundancy was controlled at three different levels(i.e., low, medium, and high). Results of the Team-Soar simulation show that cooperation has positive impacts on team performance. Further, the results reveal that the impact of agent cooperativeness on team performance depends on the amount of information needed to be processed during the decision making process.



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