Design and Implementation of a Component-Based Seller-Driven Internet Auction System

컴포넌트 기반의 판매자 주도 인터넷 경매시스템의 설계 및 구현

  • Published : 2002.06.30


With the spread of electronic commerce, Internet auction systems have become widely used, because they overcome the spatial and the temporal limitations of traditional auction systems. However, most of current Internet auction systems have many shortcomings such as support for limited auction types, difficulty in registering items, maintenance problems, etc. This paper designs and implements a component-based seller-driven Internet auction system, which complements those traditional auction systems as follows: It allows sellers to select one of the auction types they want by answering questions which eventually lead to a specific auction type; Since it implements five basic auction types according to the principles of component-based development, it is easy to implement diverse types of auction systems with a slight modification to existing components. Further, the use of DAO concept makes it easy to use various commercial database systems.



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