VRQL : A Visual Relational Database Query Language

VRQL : 시각 관계형 데이터베이스 질의어

  • 이석균 (단국대학교 정보컴퓨터학부)
  • Published : 2002.06.30


In this paper, we propose a visual relational database query language, VRQL, by modifying and extending the recently proposed $VOQL^*$. Like $VOQL^*$, VRQL, based on ven Diagram and graph, naturally reflects the structure of schemas in queries and has recursive formal semantics. However, VRQL has relationally complete expressiveness, while $VOQL^*$ is only a conjunctive query language. In the logical definition part of VRQL, which is the relational version of $VOQL^*$, most features of $VOQL^*$ are retained, and the semantics of queries are based on the tuple relational calculus. In the procedural definition part of VRQL, by introducing the concept of VRQL view and set operations, the expressiveness of VRQL is increased to the level equivalent to that of the relational algebra. Due to the introduction of VRQL views, existing queries or temporary queries used in the process of creating queries can be represented with views, so that complex queries may be represented more conveniently. Set operations, used with VRQL views, enable us to represent various queries, beyond the expressiveness of conjunctive query languages.



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